TMA1402: Roddys Group feedback

Creative + innovation and entrepreneurship

Roddys Group feedback- week 5

This week we got chance to speak with University Lecturer and Artist Roddy Hunter. As a group we presented our project proposal and work we had currently started making. 

Our project at this point was currently based around creativity during the pandemic and our response to our feeling behind the pandemic. Roddy agreed that the idea of exploring creativity to address the isolation period was a good foundation to begin our projects and considered expanding our idea to support and address other creatives. This tied in nicely with our work, as the group had already began discussing branching out over social media (instagram) to engage and communicating with other creatives. From here Roddy mentioned that is was maybe worth considering that we turned our group into and events team, that organised activities for the public to interact with, which would be based at/around Queensgate market space. This would then create a platform to profile issues and help bring opportunities to people of all ages to get involved with creativity around the community. 

We was then asked to think about who our target market was aimed at and decided that all ages could be targeted but that most specifically, students would be a good start, being students ourselves. To conclude after Roddys feedback, our project would be a series of events with work based on the mental health aspects of COVID-19 from creatives of all ages and backgrounds. Documenting experiences throughout COVID-19 and acting as a helpline for those needing a creative boost or just simply new inspiration to create. 

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