Hey, thank you for viewing my page!

My name is Chloe and I am obsessed with turning thoughts into photos...

I fell in love with photography in 2015 and have never looked back since. I love capturing photos of anything and everything but I specialise in Portraiture and Events. 

If you would like to learn a little more in depth about me, what qualifications I have and my style of shooting, please visit the about me section on my page. 

To keep up with my latest work, please follow me on instagram @cmastersphotos

For any enquires please contact me through chloemphotog@gmail.com.

I look forward to meeting you!x


LGBTQ+ inclusive magazine 'Make sense' featured my work 'playground' for the front cover of their Vol 8 sept 2021 edition. Playground uses editorial styled imagery to explore the relationship between the sporting world and the LGBTQ+ community. 

Hunter Magazine featured my work 'The villains colours' for their cover of October issue 2021. The Villains colours explores colour theory, by using comic inspired colours to created beauty campaign imagery.  

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